2025-01-26 ~ 2025-02-04
  ‧Chinese New Year Holidays
  ‧29 農曆年元旦
  ‧29 Lunar Chinese New Year

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1. 提供靈、德、智、體、群、美六育並重的全人教育。
2. 引導學生認識宗教,並以福音的價值觀作為生活準則。
3. 按鮑思高神父理念,以理智、宗教、仁愛為本塑造一個和諧共融喜樂的大家庭。
4. 培養學生愛護、關心及尊重他人、社會、國家及世界。
5. 教導學生、主動自律、擇善而固。
6. 提供適切的課程和活動,使學生能體現自己的潛能和適應日新月異的社會。
7. 培育學生具備終生學習的精神。

1. 學校上下群策群力,合力創造一個優化的校園生活。
2. 學校氣氛和諧共融。
3. 品德及學業水平不斷提升。
4. 學生主動自律,揚善避惡。
5. 學生積極進取,主動參與校內、外的活動。

1. 愛主愛人。
2. 尊師重道。
3. 明辨是非。
4. 上進積極。
5. 多才多藝。
6. 熱衷運動。


天主教鮑思高慈幼會接辦以後,粵華中學在教育青少年的工作上,依循鮑思高的教育理念 --- 預防教育法。目前,本校中、英文部共有52個班;其中,中文部初中主要學習基礎科目,高中則設兩組別,分別學習商、理科課程;英文部中一、中二年級主要學習基礎科目,中三年級開始,學生可選擇文商或理科分班學習;同時,本校亦開始了英文中六年級的文商班和理科班。得益於歷任校長和老師的辛勤工作與奉獻,粵華中學如今已成為澳門一所具有良好聲譽的中英文中學。

:::學 年 主 題:::

:::歷 史:::


:::校 徽:::

拉丁文 IN VIRTUTE SCIENTIA 意即求學首在修德,這正與孔子的教訓「德修學講」〈註〉的意義相切合。我們的校訓正好表明我們求學應有的態度:在道德方面,要注重品德的修養;在學業方面,要講求勤學鑽研。本乎此,凡是品學兼優,敬主愛人的,他才是真正的「粵華人」。


:::校 歌:::

愛祖國 愛世界 新青年向前邁進。
Ever since the school was run by the Salesians , Yuet Wah College follows Don Bosco’s educational method --- Preventive Educational System to educate youth. There are now a total 52 classes in the Chinese and English sections. Junior students in the Chinese section study all the general subjects, and those in the Senior section are divided into two streams﹕the Science stream and the Commerce stream. Student of F.1 and F.2 study all general subjects and they can choose to study in the Science class or commerce class when they are promoted to Form3. Now, there are also Science class and commerce class for students of Form 6. With the hard work and dedication of all the Principals and teachers, Yuet Wah College is now a reputed Chinese and English secondary school in Macao.

:::Theme of Year:::


In 1925, Yuet Wah College was founded at Lok On Fong, Si Syu Street in Canton by Madam Liu Fung Kei and Madam Tam Yee Man.
In 1928, due to political instability in Canton, Yuet Wah College moved its campus to Macau and took a lease at Estrada da Vitoria, No.16, Macau (located on the left side of the current campus).
In 1932, the board of directors of Yuet Wah decided to change the name to “Affiliated School of Lingnam University - Yuet Wah College”.
In March 1934, the construction of “Dominic Savio Building” was completed.
In 1935, the College was registered again at the Canton Education Department and was approved to be renamed as “Yuet Wah College, Macau”.
In 1941, the first batch of students graduated. It became an important milestone for Yuet Wah College as it offered a complete high school curriculum.
In April 1942, with the outbreak of the Pacific War, under the arrangements of Fr. Mario Aquistapace, and with the consent of the Salesian Authorities, the College was transferred to the Salesians.
In 1943, Yuet Wah College bought the old campus of “Qian Yun Primary School” at Travessa dos Bombeiros, Estrada de Coelho do Amaral. A Kindergarten (from K.1 to K.3) and Lower Primary Section (from P.1 to P.4) were opened and the school was named “Yuet Wah Primary School”.
In Autumn 1944, the Pooi Ching Girls Middle School of the Canossian Daughters of Charity merged with Yuet Wah, the school was then renamed “Yuet Wah Girls Section”.
In 1948, Fr. John Buchta set up the English Section which was located in Kam Yuen Building.
In 1954, graduates began to take the General Certificate of Education Examinations of the University of London (GCE). It helped the English Section lay down a solid foundation in Macau.
In 1960, the Grand Stand which was made of concrete and could hold 1500 audience was inaugurated.
In winter 1964, a magnificent chapel dedicated to St. Gabriel was completed. It was able to accommodate 700 faithfuls.
In 1968, Joseph Cheng continued to launch an extension project to build the “Versiglia Building”. He published “Message from Yuet Wah” to report school events as well as recent activities of overseas alumni.
In 1971, Fr. Peter Ho became the principal. He set up the Yuet Wah College Alumni Association. He remodeled the playground which was located below the chapel into a spacious library for a better reading and studying environment.
In September 1973, “Yuet Wah Girls Section” began its detachment and was renamed as “Sacred Heart Canossian College (Chinese Section)”. Sr. Agnes Chow Wai-Sum was the school’s first Principal.
In September 1974, Fr. Luigi Rubini was appointed Principal. The school became the official GCE examination center.
In June 1990, the “Affiliated School of Yuet Wah College” changed its name to “Wing Wah School of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians”. In September 1991, it was entrusted to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) and was renamed “Affiliated School of Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help College”.
On 4 May 1991, Rinaldi building was completed.
On 10 June 1995, Yuet Wah College was awarded with the Medal of Cultural Merit and a certificate by the Macau Government for her contribution in the field of culture and education.
In September 1995, Fr. Pedro Leong became the principal. In response to the need of the society, Yuet Wah College admitted girl students to study in the Form 6 science stream. Later in October, the Parents and Teachers Association was formally established.
In September 2000, the Primary Section merged with Colégio Dom Bosco which was run by the “Salesians of Don Bosco China Province of Mary Help of Christians”, and was renamed Colégio Dom Bosco (Yuet Wah).
In 2001, the Kindergarten section of Colégio Dom Bosco (Yuet Wah) was merged with Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help College. Since then, all kindergarten lessons were conducted in CSKPHC and primary students continue their education at Colégio Dom Bosco (Yuet Wah). From then on Yuet Wah College became a secondary school with Chinese and English section.
On 4 May 2001, the new complex was completed and was named the “Jubliee Complex”. We had the honor of having Dr. Edmund Ho Hau-wah, Chief Executive of Macau SAR and His Excellency Bishop Domingos Lam to raise the curtain.
In 2005, the demolition of the Dominic Savio Building and the Administration Building, which were constructed in 1934. The football pitch was also expanded. In February of the same year, the College held the “Centenary Thanksgiving Ceremony of the Salesian Mission in China”. It was jointly celebrated with the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. In August 2008, the new ten-storey “Dominic Savio Building” was completed. The building was consecrated by His Excellency Bishop José Lai with the curtain raised by Dr. Edmund Ho Hau-wah, the Chief Executive of Macau SAR.
In September 2011, Mr. Maung Sein Myint (Michael Chan) was appointed the new principal by the Board of Directors.
In 2012, our College accepted the Integrated Evaluation of Schools from the Macau Education and Youth Affairs Bureau. Our works in various areas were highly commended.
In 2013, our College initiated a new “Three-year plan”. The focus of the new plan includes improvement of teaching staff’s teaching efficiency and promotion of their professional development; enhancing teaching quality as well as strengthening spiritual and moral education of students.
In 2015, the College acquired the Salesian Quarter of “Don Bosco Building” and constructed a multi-function teachers’ office, capable of coping with the future development. This new building was consecrated on April 23, 2015 by Fr. Václav Klement, Regional Councilor for East Asia and Oceania.
In the past five years, achievements of our students, alumni as well as teachers have been recognized by the Macau SAR government. Medals and Certificates of Honor were given to them. The honors should be accredited to the proper strategies implemented in our College. Yuet Wah College will continue to change for further improvement while maintaining stability in administration and management. We are pragmatic and adapt to new ideas. We endeavored to step forward and achieve excellent results.
Yuet Wah College now under the management of the Salesian of Don Bosco has already travelled through ninety years. During the long years, Yuet Wah College has not only kept the original aims and objectives of the Founder, but has also made great contributions to the local community. After experiencing numerous challenges side by side with continued progress and development for almost one century, Yuet Wah College is now a full-fledged high school with both English and Chinese Sections. The number of students is more than 1500, to whom the College serves with the same spirit as the Founder of the Salesian – Don Bosco. Yuet Wah College will continue to strive to be one of the best schools in Macau, just as she has done in her glorious history.

:::School Motto:::

Our School's Motto derives from a famous saying of the great Sage Confucius. In his ANALECTS, Book Seven, Chapter Three, we read: If virtue is not properly cultivated, if learning is not thoroughly discussed, if righteousness, once known, is not pursued, if evil is not corrected, all these things make me sad.
If this is true for everyone, it is especially true for those who are in the process of learning. In fact, if a student does not strive to practice virtue, acquire learning, cultivate righteousness and avoid evil, he is wasting his own time and the time of his education.
Our Motto, which in Latin reads "In Virtute Scientia" may be rendered "Knowledge through Virtue", i.e. if you wish to acquire knowledge, you must first practise virtue.
It is interesting to note that St. John Bosco, the Founder of our Salesian Congregation, after many years of experience in the field of education, arrived at the same conclusion. He used to say: "A student who does not practise virtue will never be able to acquire true knowledge".
Therefore, after the example of these two great Leaders, Confucius and Don Bosco, and under their guidance, let us strive to cultivate virtue and acquire knowledge.

:::School Song:::

Yuet Wah, Yuet Wah, fount of wisdom and of power.
Yuet Wah, Yuet Wah, our culture's fragrant flower,
Ensconced serene on Guia's verdant hill,
Your gold, red flag, high flying still!
Your stalwart sons, forever strong and bold,
With wills of steel and hearts of gold,
Striving with might and main to serve mankind,
and shed the light of Jesus Christ,
To guide men over life's rough seas - Don Bosco at the helm.
Steering straight and true, through wind and waves,
Under our patron - Don Bosco,
Loving our land, loving one and all,
Youth of today, go marching on.