1979年Form 6畢業校友來訪
在2月25日(六)下午,1979年英文部Form 6畢業校友一行17人由馬錦強同學帶領回母校參觀訪問,當日首先由本會理事長帶他們重遊校園,重溫他們當年的校園生活,然後他們到小禮堂聽課,由他們當年的班主任胡漢賢校長助理介紹本校的發展,並向母校致送紀念品。會後本會為他們安排一場校友老師足球友誼賽。賽後大家享用茶點,校友在歡樂的氣氛中渡過在母校的時光。
17 alumni from 1979 English section Form 6 came back and visited us in the afternoon of 25 Feb (Saturday). They were led by Mr. Ma Kam Keung. On that day, they were shown around the campus by the director of the PTA and recaptured their school days. After that, we went to the School Hall to have a “lesson”. Mr. Wu Hon In, our Assistant to Principal were their class teacher at that time, introduced the recent development of our school. After that they presented a souvenir to us. Then there was a teacher-alumni football friendly match. After the match, they had snacks together and the alumni spent a pleasant afternoon in the school.