
斐林豐神父於8月11 日正式就任慈幼會中華區會長一職,澳門區慈幼會士邀請斐會長於9月12及13日到訪澳門區內各慈幼團體。12日傍晚,斐神父與鮑思高大家庭成員在慈幼中學聖堂舉行禮儀及歡迎晚會,本會理事會多位幹事代表出席,斐神父與各成員分享他多年來與年輕人相處的心得。晚會在歡樂的氣氛中度過。
Fr. Lanfranco Fedrigotti officially took office on 11 August as the new Provincial of Salesian of Don Bosco. The brothers of the Salesians of Macau invited Fr. Fedrigotti visited different Salesian organizations in Macau on 12 and 13 September. On 12 September at dusk, Fr. Fedrigotti to visit different members in our big family of the Salesians of Don Bosco in the hall of Instituti Salesiano. They had a welcome evening party. Many members of the committee joined the party. During the party, Fr. Fedrigotti shared his experience of getting along with teenagers. It was a very pleasant party.
The next early morning, Fr. Fedrigotti met with the teachers and students at the Jubilee Complex. He talked with us and blessed us in fluent Chinese. We can all feel how friendly Fr. Fedgrigotti is.